Mesa, AZ Newborn Portrait Session

mesa az newborn portraits, newborn photography near me

Sugar, spice, and everything nice. That is what these two sisters are made of!

These colors came together so perfectly. Newborn sessions are completely customizable. From colors, poses, props, and more. We work with you to go over our collection of items and create a session of your dreams! Newborn sessions are all shot in our studio which is located in Mesa, Arizona. Our newborn photography studio has everything you’ll need for your session. Including snacks, drinks, wipes, diapers, and more! If you need it, we have it.

How long do newborn sessions last? That is a great question! While it depends on your package, our most popular packages last 2-3 hours. While our petite package is 30-60 minutes. This session you see below was about 2 hours with soothing, cuddles, food breaks, and adjusting for the baby’s comfort. That last part is key!

While some babies may take a few tries to get into position, we never ever force your baby to go into a position that they don’t like. This means that sometimes we have to adjust our planned setups. Some babies truly don’t love being naked, while others don’t love being wrapped. Thankfully we have props to accommodate all of their likes and dislikes.

We are currently booking newborns through February 2024. We only accept 5-7 newborns a month to ensure that when your baby is born we can get them on the calendar. Ready to get your session on the calendar? Submit a contact form and let’s chat!

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